Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes Sir! No Sir! Right away Sir!

The other day I went to work and about 10 minutes after 8 my phone starts ringing. I don't get many calls in my job and when I do they are usually doozies.

This was no exception.

As I reached for the phone I see that the cal display says: L Schnieder. The only L Schnieder that I know is a former Mayor of Regina. He is also a board member of Queen City College and so I have talked to him a few times when I worked at the Bible College.

This is how the conversation went:

S-Good morning, STC, Scott here.
L-Hi. I was calling to see if you have ever arranged to have a sign put on Highway 5 going into Muenster from the East.
L-I put the request in a few months ago when I was travelling for the Saskatchewan Economic Development committee after I noticed that there was no sign from that direction.
S-(pause)What kind of sign are you needing?
L-The town name sign. Have you arranged for it to be replaced?
S-I can honestly say that I have not.
L-Can you check to see when the request was actually logged and what the status is?
S-Uhh....I don't think I can, you see I am an accountant for STC which is the Saskatchewan Transportation Company. The Bus company.
L-I wondered when you answered but I had asked for the transportation department and when you answered I thought that maybe you guys looked after that as well.
S- Uhhh.....
L-(laughing) Based on your reaction I am going to assume that you don't know anything about getting road signs put up.
S-Well, I am an accountant so if you send me the bill I can probably figure out a way to pay it but otherwise no Sir, I do not.
L-Well Scott it was good talking to you and I will try to call the right department next time. Have a good day.
S-Yes sir, you too.

All in all it was the start of another fun day.

Yesterday I sent a credit to an agency for $315 because they had not reported a MasterCard transaction. Today I spent all day on the phone with them trying to explain that all we knew was that they rang in a $315 MC purchase, We had the money in the bank and that if they didn't want to take the credit it didn't matter to me. They were upset by this.

To those of you who are reading this...I promise that if you give me $315 I will not complain. I take cheques, money orders and cash. I look forward to hearing form you.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The major problem with the car was the exhaust system. They tested the backpressure from the catylitic converter and discovered that it was producing 15 pounds of backpressure instead of the normal 1 pound. They replaced the plugged converter and my car works like a well oiled machine.(which I hope it is!)

Yes Peter, the tires do spin.

I checked. (big grin!)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stupid cavalier bidding wars!

I went to another auto auction today and came away with a new car. (new to me) It is a 2003 Saturn L300 with 230k. I paid $2500.

I have posted the pics here, mostly for Peter, and have made a few comments to go along with them. Here goes...

This is the inside, the white dials are a little trippy but I am sure I will get used to them. The dirty spot on the floor is from me today because it is muddy out.

Front view. I mean, come on...what man can resist a good bra? And yes Peter, I may actually get around to removing the front licence plate cover. Maybe.

Back: Hey! Chrome trim!

Tires: El cheapo Moto-master specials. Just my style. And they still have some usable tread!

One side: There seems to be something sticking up from the back window!

The other side: You seen one side you seen 'em all! At least now I know where the gas goes.

The roof: My favorite part...The sun roof! I predict it will never open! Also you can see me trying to take this picture in very bottom of the photo. I reflect really good so I must not be a vampire!

That is it. My new car. I will take it to the garage for a complete go over next week. Based on the prices I can find for these I can spend up to $3000 on any needed engine repairs and still have spent less than the cheapest price I found in a quick Internet search.
Auctions are fun!