Saturday, September 26, 2009

For Chris

God created a small number of perfect heads.

Then he put hair on the rest.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vincent Van Gogh

The other day I came home and stared at a picture that Jason painted. It was....Good! Have you ever seen a picture that just seems to talk directly to you even if you don't know what it is saying.
I liked it so much that I immediately put it aside to take to work the next day. Now it is hanging in my office where I can look at it often.
The picture above is the painting but it really does not do it justice. The real thing is very vivid and expressive. If you click on the picture you will get a much larger version where you can actually see some of the brush strokes and interplay between the colors.
Maybe someday I will know what it is trying to say to me.