Tuesday, March 02, 2010


After watching the Olympic closing ceremonies I realised two things.

1) There is not much about Canada's culture the demands respect. Our culture is not bad but not much about it demands respect. You look at many other nations and they have ancient ruins or cultural icons that have been around for years. We have beavers, moose, funny money, police in red, hockey and maple leafs. It is not that these things can't be respectable it's just that they don't seem to DEMAND respect.

2) It seems to me that about 15-20 years ago Canada as a whole seemed to fully realise that we did not have a culture that demanded respect. What was the result? We shrugged our shoulders put a goofy grin on our faces and decided that we could work with that. Now our collective culture appears to be a collection nick-knacks and the attitude of 'Yeah...so what if it is tacky, its ours and you know you want some!' Take a look.

You know what? I can work with that too.

Now...off to find a pet beaver. (and a concrete house)


At 11:15 AM, Blogger Monty P said...

Can't argue with you. I didn't watch the entire closing ceremonies, but caught the end of the "Canadian" segment and thought it looked rather goofy, too.

Oh, well. What are you going to do?


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