Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Text colors can be used to creat hidden messages peter. See if you can figure out what this one is:
try highlighting the text

Did you figure ou how to read this peter
Did you get it?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It WAS fun!

I had a 90% going in and it may be going up!

Exams are fun

At least when you go into the Final with a 90% they are. I could pass this exam if you hit me on the head first. And a passing mark on the final will give me roughly a 75% in the course. I could finish as high as 95%.
As well I passed the math course I had trouble with last time. I raised my mark from a 40% to a 65% and still don't think that I know anything.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Cabbage is $1.47/lb right now! arrrgh! Except they sell it by the Kg so I don't know how much to buy or what it costs me. Oh to go back to 1950 when measurements were men and women still told us what to do.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Idiot kids

Why can't kids seem to work today? I remember 12 years ago when I started working. Myself and the others I worked with were gung ho and ready to work. I remember working my but off. It seems like every year the kids I work with are less inclined to work and even when they do agree to they just wander around and try not to actually work. They just want the pay and complain that they work too hard for not enough money.
I get frustrated trying to get some 16 year old kid to do a quarter of what I can do. Generally even with several months of experience and lots of training we can't seem to get them to do half of what I would do when I was thier age.
I think it all started with Jeff. He is a slacker. A well hung slacker, but a slacker none the less.

Friday, June 24, 2005

It's a start

I am always ready to try something new. And for me this is as new as it gets. It seems strange to me that I keep following you guys even though I am the oldest of the bunch.