Monday, February 15, 2010


Jason came home from soccer on Saturday and told me that he got 4 shots on net.

I told him that was great and that I hoped he had fun. He usually gets 1-2 shots a game and scored a goal a few weeks ago.

An hour later, during supper, I found out from Andrea that he didn't get 4 shots....he got 4 GOALS!

No wonder he looked disappointed by my reaction. It was a good reaction but it was not a 4 goal game reaction. Sigh.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Life stuff

What an interesting few days we have had.

-On Sunday the power went out for 2 hours and we had to entertain ourselves with nothing electronic. It was awesome. Of course when the power came on the first thing the boys wanted was a movie.

-Today Andrea dropped a heavy lid on her finger at school. She got to take the afternoon off and go get x-rays to make sure it was not broken. It wasn't. She just has a really bad bruise and may lose a fingernail. She says it is already feeling much better.

-It has been told to me that my name has been mentioned as a possible Elder candidate. It is interesting that people view me that was but after having a few days to think about it I believe that I would turn down any such offer at this time.

-Jason was complaining that his stomach ached off and on all day Tuesday. When we sent him to bed Andrea said she would check on him later. He woke us up at 1 am to complain that we hadn't checked up on him and that his stomach was now fine.

-I went to work on Wednesday with a headache that got worse all day. It sucked. The whole day just went off the rails. In the morning I tried to dial a phone number 4 times to ask someones SIN number for tax purposes. I finally realised that the call wasn't going through because I was dialing the SIN. I was finally recovering from that 20 minutes later when another phone call ended with me being called an ***hole by a former agent. The guy was not happy. It is a good thing that he is no longer an agent and I no longer have to call him.

-Tim came into our bedroom one morning and walked up to me, pulled the covers down a few inches then reached up and grabbed my face and hair. Then he sighed and disgustedly said "You're not mom!" and then went to Andrea's side of the bed and crawled in with her. On the plus side, Andrea had to cuddle with me to give him room so I can't really complain. In fact I asked him to do it again tomorrow.

-I was up till 3 am one night finishing an assignment because I couldn't figure out one of the questions. Seriously, I still don't know exactly what I was supposed to do. You try:
"Suppose that the IASB adopts a standard similar to SFAS 158. Evaluate the effects of such a standard on the main diagonal probabilities of the information system underlying the balance sheet and income statement (that is, the financial statements proper) prepared under the new international accounting standard. If investors are not rational, and assuming that fair value information was included in the notes prior to adoption of SFAS 158, would your answer change? Indicate briefly why or why not."
I understood every word, just not the combinations.

-Speaking of school, I also found out that I passed my Advanced Taxation class. That is 1 of 4 required classes done. Woo Hoo! The 2 that I am working on right now are ones that I couldn't fit in during university and are technically prerequisites.

-I turned my alarm on one night when going to bed and we got woke up an hour later when it went off at midnight. Apparently the time had been reset. I then reset the time and went to sleep (angrily i might add). Then I woke up late because I had reset it for 9am instead of 7am. I used to be fine at midnight now I am as coordinated as a drunk monkey and dumber than a bag of rice. I miss being young and immortal.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Today I was flipping through channels looking for something to watch and I came across a Simpson's episode.

I selected the description to see what episode it was and it was about homer joining the army and going to basic training.

Then I noticed the title. The episode was called G.I.Doh!

Now by itself that is a normal Simpson's play on words but the really funny part was the automatic episode information did with it.

It changed it to G.I.(Annoyed Grunt)

I think that their computer program needs a little bit of work.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The next big hit

This may be the follow up to everybody poops!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Reason for promotion

One of the people in this picture has a better job than the others. Can you guess who?