Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stupid cavalier bidding wars!

I went to another auto auction today and came away with a new car. (new to me) It is a 2003 Saturn L300 with 230k. I paid $2500.

I have posted the pics here, mostly for Peter, and have made a few comments to go along with them. Here goes...

This is the inside, the white dials are a little trippy but I am sure I will get used to them. The dirty spot on the floor is from me today because it is muddy out.

Front view. I mean, come on...what man can resist a good bra? And yes Peter, I may actually get around to removing the front licence plate cover. Maybe.

Back: Hey! Chrome trim!

Tires: El cheapo Moto-master specials. Just my style. And they still have some usable tread!

One side: There seems to be something sticking up from the back window!

The other side: You seen one side you seen 'em all! At least now I know where the gas goes.

The roof: My favorite part...The sun roof! I predict it will never open! Also you can see me trying to take this picture in very bottom of the photo. I reflect really good so I must not be a vampire!

That is it. My new car. I will take it to the garage for a complete go over next week. Based on the prices I can find for these I can spend up to $3000 on any needed engine repairs and still have spent less than the cheapest price I found in a quick Internet search.
Auctions are fun!


At 4:40 PM, Blogger something witty said...

yea boy! it is a 6 cilinder and that is good because the 4 is a cavalier motor
also please pull off the front licence plate.if you dont i might

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

I think you win on this one. Great jorb.

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

All it needs is a few good dents....

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

take off one hubcap. just one.


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