Friday, February 06, 2009

Late Night Funnies!

Sometimes it is awesome going to bed later than my wife. Andrea is not always coherent about an hour after she goes to bed. We have had several GREAT conversations during this time and she usually doesn’t remember any of it. It is very amusing to me.

Last night it happened again. This is my best description of the resulting conversation.

Scott walks into the room; the bedroom light is still on.
Andrea half sits up and looks at him.
A-You know what…? I don’t have it either!
Long Pause
S-Have what?
Long pause as Andrea stares at me.
S-I think you are dreaming again.
S-What don’t you have?
A-You know…You know…Never mind.
S-Really, what?
A-The…the…you know…
Long pause
A-Never mind…you know…the…it…
Long pause
S-OK…You may get mad but now I have to know. What don’t you have?
Long pause as Andrea stares at me like I am nuts.
Scott leaves before he asks something that gets him killed.
Scott goes into the other room and laughs until tears roll down his face.

This morning I asked Andrea if she remembered any of it and she actually did this time. She then informed me that the only thing she remembered was that she was talking about…

GUITAR power cords!

That made it funny all over again.


At 7:27 PM, Blogger something witty said...

i swear it is the room! the last tenant did the same thing i think

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

it's actually funnier that she was upset about not having the power chords. Those aren't exactly things one has as much as they are things one does. Your wife is an odd duck.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

I love it when people get mad at you when they are the ones making absolutely no sense!
And by the way, Pete, I don't think you can blame it on the room. As I recall, you tend to act like that regardless of what room you are in. Or vehicle, as the case may be....


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