Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Final Solution!

I wrote my last test yesterday. It was a 100 level class about Greek and Roman History that I took just for fun.

The test comprised of 3 sections.
50 Quiz type questions. (simple name or number answers)
3 short answer questions (paragraph about a person or place)
1 essay question

I wrote most of it with relative ease but still had 3-4 of the quiz questions that I was struggling with after an hour and a half. (Did I use "an" correctly Darrell?) I was able to make some guesses at all of them except one.

After further reflection I decided that I was being stupid. I had spent 5 minutes staring at a question that I was not going to be able to answer correctly. It was the last question that I would have to answer to get my degree. On making this simple realization I smiled and wrote my final University answer:

"I can't remember, how about a pity mark?"

Then I walked up and handed it in. I smiled all the way home.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

Nicely done! Let me know if it works!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Congrats on finishing, especially in such a cheeky manner! And yes, you used 'an' correctly as the 'h' in 'hour' is silent. Great jorb.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Chris has updated more recently than you. I'm just sayin'

At 9:12 PM, Blogger something witty said...

i should go let the dog out. she is whining.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

blog! (Turnabout is fair play! Although I'm not sure how often, if at all, you've harassed me about my lack of blogging).


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