Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Car

Peter has been pestering me for information about my new car so here goes...
I like it and it is much cheaper than my truck to drive.

When I bought it, there was about a 1/4 tank of gas and I went 120km before I had to fill up. The tank only holds about 40 liters. I then drove for 3 weeks, putting on about 380 km. When i filled up it took 34 liters. That means that I am getting 26.3 MPG with nothing but in city driving. I bet it would be much better on long trips. Compare that to my explorer which only got 11 MPG.

Over all, I will be spending about $45/month on fuel instead of $130/month. That makes me happy.

Hmmm...what else to tell Peter?

It is grey so I never have to wash it. (don't look at me that way)
It starts in -35 weather even if I forget to plug it in.
I bomb around like a race car because it is a standard.
The tires spin in first and second gear.
I have given Andrea lessons but she still avoids using it.
I have owned it for a month and it is still not full of crap and garbage on the inside. (good for me!)
We can use it with the kids easily, which rocks!

Finally... A little something for Peter.


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