Saturday, May 23, 2009

At church tonight the subject was the final part of a series on the four-fold gospel. Tonight's topic was the coming king.

The hostess always ends the announcements with a little story or example that serves as a prep or prelude to the topic of the day.

Today she related a story about what happened this week when she showed some former co-workers photos from a wedding involving another woman they all used to work with.

One of the ladies viewing the photos remarked that she couldn't believe that the bride wore white as this was her second wedding, she had 2 kids and the bride and groom had already been living together for a year. Yvonne, our hostess, told us that this made her think about our relationship with Christ who is our bride-groom. It occurred to her that it doesn't matter what we have done in the past or all the different ways that we have screwed up. We can still wear the white as our sins are covered. What matters most is working our hardest to be ready as the bride-groom arrives, much like the bible indicates in the parable of the virgins.

This was a fairly good example. I had no problems with it. The problem is in my own twisted sense of humour.

I had to keep myself from laughing because as she finished relating this story and comparing our relationship with Christ to a modern day bride I started thinking about Jesus as the groom.

Can you imagine Jesus sitting around sighing at semi-panicked preparations of his bride and constantly saying, "Yes dear. I agree with you. Whatever you think is best. I'll be happy as long as you show up.", or calling up his friend the Holy Spirit and saying "Dude, you would not believe how many napkin patterns I looked at today. She is busy tonight registering for china patterns. You want to call God and come over to watch the game? Oh, and bring the 'Smite Peter' button because I really need a laugh!"

Alright...I did snicker a bit.


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

You are a demented man...and I can totally see Jesus being like that (especially with the button)

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

Hmmmm...I sense a sermon coming on!


At 10:29 PM, Blogger something witty said...

smite peter buttons look like graduation diplomas. do with that what you will!


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