Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Once upon a time, there was a giant robot who had one blue eye. The monsters name was Mike. Mike was a giant robot. He loved knocking things over and breaking roads. The roads were really hard so sometimes he couldn't break them. Mike didn't like really scary robots that came from octopus ships. Mikes favorite food is fish and water, actually sea water. He didn't rust.

One day he put all his fish and seawater into a microwave so that no one could find it. Mike decided to spend the day practicing his road breaking. When he reached the first road it didn't break and he hurt his hand.

He needed to get some tape to put on his arm to fix his hand. He went to a doctors house but she wouldn't give any tape to him because he didn't have a mouth and couldn't ask for it. He went to his space station and called the policeman and fireman to help him but they wouldn't help him because he was scary. He went to someones house to find some tape but the door was locked. The house was so strong he couldn't even break it to get the tape.

He built a factory to make his own tape but accidentally crushed it. By then his hand felt better so he didn't even need the tape anymore. He went back to his house which was a hole in the ground and checked on his baby robot eggs.

When they hatched there were baby robots everywhere and Mike was the dad. When the baby robots grow up then they will be the dads. Mike fed the baby robots and put them to bed. He played with them and read stories to them. They didn't get a lot of sleep.

Mike went to take a walk in the ocean. In the deepest water but he doesn't sink. He made his legs really long to touch the bottom. He saw whales but they were smaller than him. He saw sharks and a pokey fish (Scott edit: swordfish). He went back to his house and waited for his kids to grow up.

He had supper and lunch and then did nothing the rest of the day.

The end.

Scott: Today I felt like posting but I didn't have much to say so I called Jason over and got him to make up a story. Now I am going to get him to try to spell some words on his own.


I coached him with a few things like choosing c instead of K and the ph in the elephant but he pretty much did the rest on his own by sounding them out.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Tell your boy he made up a good story. I could tell it wasn't your story because the spelling was too good.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Papa Scott said...

spell this:



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