Friday, December 28, 2007

I smart am

It looks like I did it.

The marks for my last class have been posted by the professor and will be made official by the dean in a few days.

She provides a histogram and some basic statistics for all marks listed. The graph for the final exam shows that 4 people got a mark between 90 and 100. The statistics listed 94% as the highest mark on the final. I got a 94%.

That means that I am one of the 4 who got 90% or higher but I don't know if I am the only one who got a 94% or if some or all of the other 3 also got that mark. The average mark was a 67%.

The 94% in the final resulted in a 90% final mark in the class. The highest total class mark was a 94% and only 7 people (including me) got a 90% or higher. The class average was a 73%. A total of 74 people took the class.

This result, once made official, will result in a term average of 85.2% which should make me eligible for the Dean's List. It also raised my program average to 80.3% which qualifies me to graduate with honours as long as I can maintain this mark over the last 11 classes that I have to take.

Yeah me!


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