Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pins and Needle time

I just wrote my last exam and now I have to wait and tremble for the mark.

I checked my scores in the other classes and I have:

Which gives me an 84 average.

That means that if I get an 89 or higher in this last class then I have an 85 average and make the deans list for the semester.

This last exam was one of the best I have ever written. I did the entire exam without having to skip questions. When I got to the end I re-checked the whole exam twice and only made 2 minor changes. I changed the name of an account I used when making a journal entry for a declared dividend and I added a note to clarify one answer to eliminate a possible misunderstanding of what my final answer was. There is only 1 mark out of 75 that I am not reasonably sure of.

I have the possibility of getting a 100% on the exam and any mark 91% or higher will give me an overall 89%+ in the class.

Now I have to wait and see if I made more than 9% of stupid mistakes in the test.

Waiting sucks.


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Monty P said...

This comment actually refers to your Virus 2 entry, but that's long past and I don't expect you to be checking it any time soon.

First of all, that was darn funny. I wish I could have been there to laugh at (I mean, with) you. I get this weird feeling that you actually enjoyed it in a way.

Other than that, all I can say is:


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

and tell us your test scores, you tease, you

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Papa Scott said...

I haven't got it yet!
Dec 26, 8:45pm


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