Wednesday, December 05, 2007


The cricket is dead!!!!!

For the last week we have been blessed with a happy little cricket in our living room. It appears to live in the crack between the flooring and thewall paneling BEHIND the radiator.

I have been unable to see him only hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and hear him...and HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND HEAR HIM...AND well you get the idea.

Today we picked up some raid and I doused the wall under and behind the rad. Since then we have heard no cricket. May he rest in peace. (OK I really mean rot in Hell but I am to nice to actually say that.)

Fingers crossed everyone and maybe we will get some sleep tonight.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

wow, let your conscience be your guide indeed. Hopefully the radiator doesn't make the Raid evaporate into the air and start making you sick, cuz that would suck. Plus, I have, like, thirty kids to take care of, and that takes plenty of time. I try to update when I can.


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