Sunday, September 11, 2005

Schurchool update

The first week of school is done. I am glad that I am only taking 4 classes because I now have 4 assignments, one quiz, and 2 labs due EVERY week.

This will work out to around 20 labs, 10 quizzes and 40 assignments over the term. Each lab will take about 5 hours to perform and write up, and most assignments will take 2-3 hours each unless I have to research something (the WIT-WDTM** factor). Quizzes are comparable to the assignment because each one will be based on a problem set like an assignment. All in all it is about 50 hours of class-time, labs and assignments per week.

Oh yeah…None of them can be late. If it is late I get a 0 on that assignment but still have to hand it in to pass the course.

On another note, my son started walking this week. Unaided that is. He is starting to run a bit already (read: losing his balance and running 4 steps before the face plant). It is really neat to see. He is having trouble at the baby sitters but hopefully will figure it out soon. He is really glad to see us when we pick him up.

West side is candidateing a pastor this week-end. My biggest fear is that we end up with a Ken again. A great pastor, meeting all of our requirements, who is completely out of place in a church this size because our requirements are out of sync with a church this size. What west side needs is a church-planting pastor who will be given complete authority to operate the church as is required to grow and expand to a self sustaining level quickly. What we are going to get is a pastor who is everything the church wants when we are a congregation of 200-300 people, and even if he has the ability to grow the church to this level he will have to spend so much time fighting the board for some measure of control and authority that he won’t be able to do it.

Hey, look at me….I’m a cynic! Dang price of cabbage!

**What In The World Does That Mean!


At 11:29 PM, Blogger Papa Scott said...

I turned on the word verification and was imeadiatly hit by some one with a generic compliment and advertiseing something

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

well, i guess it doesn't work every time...good luck in schoool. I'm gradiated

At 3:15 PM, Blogger something witty said...

mmmmmmmm church politics
chriss is still a dweeb!

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

anything new at school?


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