Saturday, July 09, 2005

My phone sucks!!!

At 3 pm today I was able to make phone calls and recieve phone calls now I can do niether. The problem appears to be directly from the sasktel lines (as I can directly wire a single line to the phone line and still get nothing.) This means that Sasktel has to come and fix my phone. If they find that the problem is not in their line but in the house phone lines, (how can it be if I am using their test to determine that my lines are not the problem) then it is not their problem. But they will gladly fix it anyway if I choose to pay tariff rates...(read:whatever the @#$% they want to charge me). All I have to do to get them to come and fix it is to dial 611...w a i t.... DIAL 611?ARRRRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!


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